We have made the P&M 'Chainer' for you !

Mar 25, 2015 by eric Permalink

In the past months, we have received great amount of requests asking if we could create a usefull tool that would contain all 45 P&M V.I.P. Plug-ins making these more convenient to use within any Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). So we did it and much more ;-)

Today we are proud to announce that we have launched a great new product that all of you V.I.P. Plugin owners will love ! We called it, the P&M "Chainer". It can load and chain P&M plug-ins but it can also...... load VST effects and VSTi instruments into any DAW including Pro Tools ? Waou !

As the name implies, the Chainer is first of all a FREE utility that all of you P&M plugin owners can use to load your P&M plug-ins and "Chain" them to create useful effect patches and load them into new sessions or even other DAWs...

But If you purchase the FULL version, the Chainer will be able to load and "Chain" any VST effects or VSTi instruments making it a powerfull tool to use within any modern DAW including Pro Tools.

Users can therefore use the Chainer to save great effect presets or VSTi virtual instrument patches that can be recalled from any DAW at anytime needed.

For example, let's say you are a guitarist and want to save typical effect patches. The Chainer enables you to load up to 32 effects in series or parallel. So you may want to load and save a compressor, an EQ, an Amp sim, a delay, a reverb, a chorus, etc, and save the whole thing within a patch that can be loaded in other sessions or even other DAWs. The same concept can be applied to vocal patches, drum patches, or any other typical effect chains that you want to recall in future sessions. A time saver !

The same applies to virtual instruments that can be loaded and chained one after the other. Effect plugins can be loaded into any slots adding amazing effects to your sounds or instruments.

Drag and Drop functionalities enables users to conveniently change the order of the effects and/or virtual instruments they load within the Chainer. A mixer section enables users to solo, mute and control the level, Mix and Pan of each effects or instruments loaded in the chainer. The chainer also provides useful Spectrum and 1/3 Oct analysers, Phase and audio Waveform visualisation to control the audio signal processes within the Chainer...

The chainer natively contains all of the 45 P&M V.I.P. Series plug-ins making it easy to save/load chained presets of your favourite P&M Plug-ins. The Chainer is FREE for all REGISTERED P&M Plug-in owners. Therefore, the Chainer will automatically detect any authorised P&M plug-ins, ready to use. They can be chained in series or parallel to save/load presets that can be used in other sessions or even other DAWs.

From today until April 30, the P&M Chainer will be sold at the introductory price of ONLY $49 (MSRP $129).

Enjoy !

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