Welcome on the PlugAndMix new website

Feb 20, 2012 by r2d2 Permalink
Dear friends,

We are proud to announce the launch of this site that concretizes the success of our V.I.P. plug-ins formerly called DontCrack V.I.P. series. Though we received great feedback and testimonials from users and customers that love the concept and quality of our plug-ins, we also received huge feedback from users that didn't like the name as a plug-in brand. We as we aways listened to our customers and decided to give our products a name that sounds attractive and speaks for itself : "Plug & Mix".

Some reported that sounds "consumer" but we believe the name "Plug & Mix" simply reflects what our plug-ins are all about as they have been designed to be quick and easy to use. That certainly doesn't mean we haven't payed great attention to the way they sound... Most professionals that used them where very surprised by the quality of our plug-ins and that is no surprise to us as they have been designed by the best plug-in designers in US and Europe...

We hope this new site and new brand name will contribute to the success of our products. New plug-ins are actually under development and should see the day in the next weeks and months... We also look forward to your feedback and testimonials that greatly helps us improve and create the fine audio tools YOU will be using in your daily tasks.

Kindest Regards,

The P&M team.

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